JUBELKOM Indonesian online shop, that always give the best price offer for all people and all items, especially technology..

Our product:
  1. Razer Gaming Equipment @productTAB -> @razerTAB
  2. Ozone Gaming Equipment @productTAB -> @ozoneTAB
  3. USB Flashdisk @productTAB -> @usbflashdiskTAB
  4. Modem USB @productTAB-> @usbmodemTAB
  5. Hardisk External @productTAB -> @Hardisk EksternalTAB
  6. Everki Bag (laptop bag, etc) @productTAB-> @Everki BagTAB 
  7. Accesories or another item @productTAB-> @AccesoriesTAB
  8. etc


Promo Chinese Year!!
Kingston Limited Edition 8GB
ONLY 100.000 idr


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MOVIE LOVERS!!! What's this??

Movie lovers are shanties online where you can buy different kinds of movies, of various genres, with low prices, could be in the form of CDs, DVDs, or even get through your USB or HardDisk.
If not in the list of movies, you can also request movie that you want and we will find it

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For Promo just click @homeTAB->@promoTAB (difference price better then single buy)

For help just click yahoo messenger button at the right side, and @helpTAB

and for purchasing, open @helpTAB and choose How To Purchase

Our latest product:

1. Kaspersky Anti Virus for 3 users

2. Kingston DataTraveler Chinese New Year 2012

3. WD Harddisk Eksternal

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